What Parents Can Do

Place the Divorce Pizza fridge magnet on their fridge.

Participate in the Save A Child's Soul campaign (see links) helping to save the lives of starving children in other countries.

Follow the Rules on this website.

Get the other parent to do the same.

Tell every adult and older teenager you know about this problem.

Participate in the UptoParents program (see links)

If you are having difficulties with the other parent, do everything you can to resolve your differences and move forward.

Try this questionnaire for separated parents who are having trouble with their children's behaviour recommended by Psychologist Dr Richard Warshak.

When in a dispute, your decisions become clouded by anger and emotions. Don't allow yourself to be lured into using the Family Court to apply for sole custody because you believe that you are the better parent. One day when your children are grown up they will tell you of the upset to their life caused by your selfish actions as the Vincenti sisters did to 60 minutes.

Even worse, do not allow yourself to consciously or unconsciously cut your children off from the other parent (ie 'Pathogenic Parenting') as one day when they realise what was done to them they will be very unhappy that you deprived them of a loving parent for their childhood.

If you have major unresolved conflict with the other parent, the damage to your child IS permanent.

See the video from the AFCC multi award winning UptoParents.Org program below by the highly experienced Family Court practising Clinical Psychologist Dr Sheehan in the US state of Indiana at 6 minutes 45 seconds onwards:

If you lose contact with your child during divorce due to one parent cutting off the child from the other parent (ie 'Pathogenic Parenting') this is quite likely to be lifelong.

Parents who can get through their divorce and successfully co-parent with the other parent will be appreciated when their children are grown up as in the above video.

Excellent brochure by 'Time To Put Kids First' on the value to children of shared parenting.